Retirement Income Programā„¢

Retirement Plan with Implementation & Ongoing Support

Implementation of your Retirement Plan with ongoing support and plan updates


TheĀ RIPā„¢ allows you to enjoy retirement and let our team take on the heavy lifting of updating your plan, setting up your cashflow, ensuring your estate plan is on track, and much more.

Why Our Clients Choose the Retirement Income Programā„¢?

1Ā Ā NeedĀ Help Implementing Your Plan

Retirement planning can be overwhelming with all its moving parts. Seeking professional help ensures that every aspect of your plan is tailored to your needs, providing a secure and well-organized strategy for your future.

2Ā Ā Enjoy Retirement, Avoid Stress

Retirement should be about enjoying your hard-earned freedom, not stressing over financial details. A dedicated planner can manage the intricate aspects of your retirement, allowing you to relax and enjoy this new phase of life with peace of mind.

3Ā Ā Lack of Service and Support

If your portfolio manager isnā€™tĀ providing the services you expect, itā€™s time for a change. A new PM will take a personalized approach, actively managing your investments to better align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

4Ā  More Value for your Fees

High investment management fees can significantly impact your returns. By seeking a financial planner and portfolio manager who help lower these costs, you ensure more of your money is working for you, enhancing your overall financial health.

5Ā Ā Current 'Advisor' Does Not Plan

An advisor who only sells products without offering comprehensive planning is not serving your best interests. A true financial planner provides a holistic approach, ensuring that every part of your financial life is working together towards your long-term goals.

While our Retirement Plans provide a clear direction for your retirement, many aren't interested in implementing the plan themselves. Or maybe you are tired of dealing with your ā€˜advisor that just sells mutual funds and charges high fees.

For most clients that move to the Retirement Income Programā„¢, they end up reducing their fees while partnering with a firm that specializes in retirement planning and more of a white glove service for their investments ā€“ who doesnā€™t like getting more and paying less!!

If you are looking for a retirement plan and also considering a better option for your investments, letā€™s have a chat to see if our Retirement Income Program ā„¢ is a good fit for you.

Please note there is a householdĀ investable asset requirement of $750,000 to work with our partner firms. If you donā€™t currently meet this requirement, we can still assist you with your retirement planning needs.Ā  During our planning process we can discuss different options with you that might better serve you and your investments moving forward.

Your Retirement Quarterback

We are the first point of contact regarding all your financial needs. When it comes to investments, we refer our clients to Portfolio Managers at multiple firms specializing in specific investment styles. This is intended to best suit your needs, risk level, and investment preference.

Our team at Parallel Wealth becomes your advocate with these investment institutions, reassuring you that assets under management are performing the way intended. There is security throughout this relationship as your money invested with a Private Wealth Manager is held by a custodian who safeguards your money.

We are not binded to these organizations and if they were to underperform, our team would work to find a better option for your investments. See below the investment groups we work with alongside you.

Please note there is a householdĀ investable asset requirement of $750,000 to work with our partner firms.


Dividend Growth | Mortgage | Non-Traditional | Asset Custodians

Assets Under Management

At Parallel Wealth, we are transparent in every aspect of the business; fees are no exception. Our firm believes in lower fees to increase your yearly return rates. Starting at just 1.5% of your investible assets, this decreases as your assets under management increase.

Your fees cover both the expenses of professional portfolio management through one of our affiliating partners and our team of financial planners here at Parallel Wealth. These fees are split evenly between the two firms who work extensively on your behalf.